PHO 289B - 1001 Special Topics for Photography - The Instagram Project
Eight Weeks - 6/4/2018 - 7/29/2018
Professor: Heather Protz
Computer Lab: NLV Bldg A 1744
Office : NLV Bldg A 1718 -I am out of the office for the summer. Please use email to contact me.
Office Hours: Online all the time
Phone: 702-651-4977 It is best to email me I only check messages when I am on campus.
Email: [email protected] want to get my attention quicker use this email [email protected]
I will respond to emails within 24 hours. Include a clear subject line, your name and class.
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Course Description: In this class we will explore best practices for growing our Instagram following and personal styles. We will use strategic and creative image exercises to build our photography skills leading to extended meaningful projects.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1) The Student will grow our Instagram following through a daily practice of posting images.
2) The student will explore best use hashtag practices for Instagram.
3) The student will push their personal style/brand of photography through exploration and practice.
To be Successful in this Class:
1) Work consistently, don’t procrastinate.
3) Update your social media with your assignment work and more.
4) Always meet the deadline for sending me your images.
5) Always check the website for unexpected changes or updates.
6) Have fun, explore, share ideas, have an open mind, be respectful or others, work hard, shoot more!
web site:
Evaluation and Assessments: Grades will be determined by performance, practical application of knowledge and your weekly participation. These factors will be assessed by your social media posts, comments on other students work being shared, Your email project submissions and your final project.
•No work done/created for a paying job will be accepted.
•No work or shoot for another class can be used.
•All work must be created or conceptualized for the individual assignments given.
•All work must be photographed by you.
•All work must be photographed in the current semester. You are responsible for your metadata, check and update your camera metadata. (Time and date)
•Work must be handed in on the date specified.
•NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted.
Work will be evaluated by the following criteria:
1) Technique (image quality, presentation, demonstrated understanding of the technical)
2) Esthetics/Creative Expression (form, composition and what were you attempting to explore? did you succeed?)
3) Clarity in the presentation of the defined visual communication goals.
4) Social media participation, attitude.
Letter Grade System
A – Mastery of the technical and conceptual issues,
including participation attendance and attitude.
B – A strong grasp of the technical and conceptual issues, including participation, attendance and attitude.
C – Average understanding,
including participation, attendance and attitude.
D – Below average, does not meet minimum requirements,
poor participation, poor attendance, poor attitude.
F – Failure to complete the assignment,
poor participation, poor attendance, poor attitude.
Extra credit is awarded only if all assignments are turned in ON TIME, and only with prior instructor approval.
Students are responsible for backing up all Projects and exercises through the last day of the semester. Do keep all files, prints, papers and quizzes returned to you so that any discrepancies can be easily and fairly straightened out. Except in cases of actual error, final grades are permanent.
A “D” is acceptable as a passing grade if the course is to be used as a general requirement or elective, but will not transfer to another school. An “F” constitutes non completion. This grade requires the course to be retaken
and no credit is issued.
“I” – Incomplete grades are generally not given except for unusual medical hardship. If the student is unable to complete the work, it is assumed that she/he will withdraw.
“W” – An Administrative Withdraw will not issued by the instructor. If the student wishes to withdraw, she/he is asked to first notify the instructor and then proceed to the admissions office. Please notify the instructor if at any point you decide to withdraw from the class. It is the students responsibility to know Drop/Add dates each semester and any possible refunds. See the Registrar for withdrawing and any possible refunds.
If you disappear from class and do not withdraw or contact your instructor you will receive an “F”
This is an ONLINE CLASS. All work is to be turned in on or before the due date, No Late Submissions!
Communicate with me throughout the semester if something is going on, so I can help you succeed in this class.
• Lecture: Skills and academic principles are explained by the instructor through online videos and written handouts.
• Review and Practice: Students review skills by direct questioning of the instructor and skills are reviewed by student practice with various assignments. Students will practice skills, at home, or in field situations.
Check-out of Equipment: Ask me for dates and times if you are interested in borrowing gear from CSN for a shoot.
For any Check-out of equipment, you must present a current CSN student ID. Without ID no equipment will be checked out. If you are not sure about the operation of a new camera ASK, your instructor or a lab tech on proper handling and usage. At the time of checkout you may be tested on the operation of equipment. If you do not pass the test you will not be given equipment.• Evaluation: Evaluation is determined by instructor formally (during crit) and informally (during lab time).
Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable on-campus behavior.
CSN POLICIES AND SERVICES - Students’ Rights and Responsibilities pertaining to CSN policies and services are found at
COURSE WITHDRAWAL POLICY - EFFECTIVE Spring 2014, per the President, Instructors are no longer permitted to assign a “W” as a grade. Students must officially withdraw from the class at Admissions and Records to receive a “W”. The last day to Officially Drop without a status of “W” is September 10, 2017. The last day to Officially Drop with a status of “W” is November 5, 2017. Students not officially withdrawn through Admissions & Records will receive the grade that they earned.
LATE REGISTRATION - Effective Spring 2016, CSN students will be able to register for 16-week classes during the first week of the semester. This will allow students the flexibility to drop, add, or change courses during the first week. Students are responsible for all missed coursework. There is no late registration for short-term classes as well as summer classes.
STUDENT ACADEMIC WARNING/PROBATION/SUSPENSION POLICY - Effective Fall 2013, If students’ cumulative GPA falls to 2.0 or lower after attempting at least 12 credits, they will receive an academic warning, so that they have time to seek help. Continued performance at 2.0 or lower in future semester course work can lead to academic probation or academic suspension. Students on academic suspension will not be able to enroll in classes for a semester. More information is available at
DISRUPTIVE AND ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR - Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner in the classroom, on campus and through electronic media at all times. Disruptive and abusive conduct will not be tolerated. Students who fail to adhere to behavioral standards may be subject to discipline per CSN’s Disruptive and Abusive Student policy. A copy of the complete Student Conduct Code and Disruptive and Abusive Student Policy is available for review at
USE OF CELL PHONES AND TEXT MESSAGING - All Cell Phones and Text Messaging shall be restricted to before and after class. All phones should be set on silent/vibrate. The Professor reserves the right to restrict all use of cell phones. Students will be required to leave class should this become a problem. Cell phone use and texting during class are prohibited.
EXITING THE CLASSROOM – REVOLVING DOOR - The classroom is not a revolving door. Continuous exiting and re-entering the classroom is not tolerated. Students who exit and re-enter the classroom excessively will be asked to leave class and schedule a conference with this professor.
MINOR CHILDREN POLICY - The primary mission of CSN is to educate students. To that end, CSN has the responsibility to provide a place of instruction that is free from distractions and conducive to learning. The presence of minor children is often a disruptive factor, not just because a child can be noisy or active, but because even inadvertently, attention is centered on the child rather than on the teaching and learning process. The presence of minor children on campus and in its facilities also raises safety and liability issues. Therefore, appropriate restrictions must be placed on bringing minor children to CSN’s campus, sites, and facilities.
A. First and foremost, CSN and its facilities (classrooms, offices, public areas, common areas and grounds) cannot be viewed at any time as a substitute for childcare arrangements. Second, at no time may minor children be unattended or unsupervised on campus for even a short period of time. Third, only currently enrolled students should be present in classrooms or lab facilities. Fourth, minor children should not be brought into work locations during an employee’s work time.
B. Children under the age of eighteen, unless otherwise exempt as listed below, are not allowed in classrooms, labs, college grounds, or other college facilities except for visits while supervised by an adult. Employees and students must not allow minor children to be left unattended on campus. Minor children may not be left unattended in public areas such as the library or be left to wait or play outside a classroom or in the cafeteria while the adult is in class. Minor children may not attend class or class activities such as field trips, along with enrolled students except on very rare occasions at the discretion of instructors. Minor children may not be present at the employee's work site during the employee’s assigned work hours.
C. This Policy does not preclude short visits when the minor child is accompanied by another responsible adult.
D. Individuals under the age of 18 who enroll in classes at CSN are exempt from this policy.
ADVISING AND COACHING SERVICES - Help students learn academic success strategies, explore careers, declare a major, develop a personalized success plan,learn to navigate the educational system, benefit from campus and community resources, and connect to campus life. Advisors/Success Coaches also help new to college students with course planning. Locations: CHARLESTON Bldg. D – Lobby, 702-651-7367; NLV 1100 Student Services Area, 702-651-2626; and HENDERSON Bldg. B –Student Services Area, 702-651-3103. More infor can be found at
CENTER FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS (CAS) - All CSN students receive free academic and learning support for developing skills in accounting, reading, writing, math, science, creating college presentations, and more. Drop-in and appointment based tutoring is available. CAS Contact information for main offices: NLV Campus – Bldg. S Room 247 – 702-651-4232, Charleston Campus – Bldg. D Room 203 – 702-651-5732, and Henderson Campus – Bldg. B Room 201 – 702-651-3125. Please visit one of the CAS Centers or visit for more information.
DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER - The College of Southern Nevada, in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, requests that all students with documented disabilities voluntarily contact the Disability Resource Center so that the college can provide necessary accommodations. * If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center located in the Student Service Center on each campus before the instructor can make accommodations.
NLV - 702-651-4045, Henderson, 702-651-3795, Charleston - 702-651-5644. More information is available at
COLLEGE LIBRARY SERVICES - College Library Services offers ongoing research workshops throughout the semester. Bring your topic or assignment to one of the workshops on the basics of locating and citing quality information and receive in-depth assistance with a librarian. Check out the schedule at
COMPUTER LABS - Most of you will probably do your assignments at home or at work. If you are having problems with your computers or do not have the required software, feel free to use any of the on campus Computer Labs. Having computer problems at home or office is NOT a valid excuse for missing due dates.
Charleston Interactive Learning Center - 702-651-5731
NLV Interactive Learning Center - 702-651-4592
Henderson Interactive Learning Center - 702-651-3002
Summerlin High-Tech Center - 702-651-4900
Western High-Tech Center - 702-651-4898
Green Valley High-Tech Center - 702-651-2650
DEPARTMENTAL/SCHOOL COUNSELORS - Faculty counselors help returning, continuing, and transfer students select courses, obtain degree audits, and develop educational and vocational plans according to selected majors.
Mark Haag
Office: CY A 2748
Phone: 702.651.2668
Email: [email protected]
Emily Rafael
Office: CY A 2748
Phone: 702.651.4937
Email: [email protected]
Rosemary Hall
Office: WC C 151-C
Phone: 702-651-7375
Email: [email protected]
FACULTY E-ALERT SYSTEM - Faculty members may refer struggling students to Advising and Coaching Services via MyCSN in order that they receive timely assistance in passing their class. If contacted by Advising and Coaching Services’ E-Alert office, be sure to respond quickly and utilize interventions to help you successfully complete this class.
All information contained in this syllabus may be subject to change with advance and ample notice to students as deemed appropriate by the instructor.