PHO102B Photoshop 1 - Spring 2025

PHO  102B - 2001 (23916)  Digital Photographic Imaging I
Tuesday, 2pm-5:50pm  - NLV - BLDG A - RM 1744

PHO  102B - 2002 (28523)  Digital Photographic Imaging I
Wednesday, 10am-1:50pm  - NLV - BLDG A - RM 1744

Professor: Heather Protz
Prerequisite: None
Corequisite: None
Computer Lab: NLV
Office : 1718 NLV
Office Hours:
•All Live meetings (Big Blue Button, Zoom, Face Time, Etc) will be recorded.

I encouraged you to take advantage of emailing me for help with coursework or anything else connected with the course and your progress.
Phone: 702-651-4977 - It is best to email me I only check messages when I am on campus.
Email: [email protected]
I will respond to emails within 24 hours, except on Sundays. Include a clear subject line, your name, class and day class meets.

Course Description:
Introduction to basic digital image manipulation via layers, layer masks, color correction, and retouching. Digital captures will be used. Students must be familiar with computer navigation, and saving files to portable hard drives and various disks. Students are encouraged to take this class simultaneously with PHO101B.

The student must have basic computer skills, navigating the hard drive, opening, closing and saving files, retrieving files, be comfortable typing, using a mouse, navigate menus and dialog boxes, using and remembering passwords, connecting to the internet, using e-mail, sending attachments, and using a web browser.

•You must have Adobe Photoshop CC current or recent version for a desktop or laptop. Students are responsible for providing their own, cameras and software. The class was designed using Photoshop CC, but older versions will work for the class. Some of the info will be different. You will find the palettes/panels and the bridge will be different. Remember you can use Help within Adobe Photoshop to find info that matches your older version. Photoshop Elements will not work the for this class. Photoshop for the iPad will not work for this class.
This is a professional imaging class for aspiring professionals.

Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of Adobe Photoshop.
2. Demonstrate basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop's major functions.
3. Demonstrate proficient use of panels, brushes, selection tools, and blending modes.
4. Demonstrate control of images size, bit depth, color mode, file format, and resolution with regards to final image usage.
5. Demonstrate proper use of layers and layer masks.
6. Demonstrate proper use of image adjustment layers, curves, and levels.
7. Demonstrate appropriate critical thinking, problem solving and decision making for the creation of digital imagery.
8. Create a personal workflow for digital image creation, manipulation, storage, and printing.

To be Successful in this Class
1. The student will maintain a notebook containing all lecture and demonstration materials, course assignment spec sheets pertaining to assignments.
2. Students must digital capture all images during the current semester to be used for class assignments and final project.
*Unless images are provided by the instructor.
3. The student will watch all videos and print and read all written material for the weekly instruction. You will have weekly assignments and due dates that must be met so you do not fall behind. I recommend not waiting until the night the work is due to start the project. If you need help, I am quick to answer emails, but I do not live on the computer. I want to help. Help yourself by allowing time to get the work done early.
4. The student will participate in art shows, vendor show, and other conventions/seminars as appropriate. Probably none this semester.
5. The student will participate in required field trips. Probably none this semester.
6. You must spend a minimum of 1/2 hour a day working on Adobe Photoshop or creating/photographing images.
7. Contact me if you are having any troubles, I am here to help you succeed!

web site:
download/PRINT appropriate materials each week. Print all How To's/Spec Sheets/Assignments

Information on all Course Projects, exercises, due dates, reading assignments, as well as many helpful resources will be available on the course website. The instructor may clarify or change an assignment if necessary via the website. You are responsible for all information on the website, you will need to check it at least once a week.

Evaluation and Assessments:
Grades will be determined by performance, practical application of knowledge and student attendance. These factors will be assessed by the completion of assignments and the final project. If you do not receive a grade within 10 days it is your responsibility to contact the instructor.

For the final project I will be looking at Esthetics/Creative Expression (form, composition and what were you attempting to explore? did you succeed?) as part of the grade. You will be putting it all together, the technique as well as an idea (concept). A final project is more than one shoot. A final project is multiple shoots exploring an idea and building a portfolio to leave the class with, demonstrating skills learned and a photographic vision of ideas expressed beyond the technical. All Images must be photographed by you this semester.
•No images submitted for other projects may be used for the final portfolio.
•No work made for other classes or jobs will be accepted.

(You are responsible for your metadata - Make sure your date and time in your camera are correct)

BREAKDOWN OF GRADING SYSTEM (what will be discussed in the critique)
Work will be evaluated by the following criteria:
1) Technique (image quality, file quality, presentation, demonstrated understanding of the technical)
2) Esthetics/Creative Expression (form, composition and what were you attempting to explore? did you succeed?)
3) Clarity in the presentation of the defined visual communication goals (Think of the instructor as the art director or client, were the defined goals of the assignment accomplished)
4) Class participation (Email me with any question or if you see something cool you would like to share with me. I am here to interact and teach.)

No work done/created for a paying job will be accepted
No work or shoot for another class can be used.
All work must be created or conceptualized for the individual assignments given.
All work must be photographed by you (unless specified)
All work must be photographed in the current semester. You are responsible for your metadata, check and update your camera metadata. (Time and date)
-You will receive an “F” for the project if the above is tested…
***Work must be handed in on the date specified***

•No fully AI generated images will be allowed for use in class.
    -Accepted AI using Photoshop - Neural Filters, Intelligent Refine Edge, Object Selection Tools, Sky Replacement, Content Aware, Remove Background.
•No AI generated written projects/assignments will be accepted.                                           
***Submitted  A.I. imagery will receive a “0” for the project/assignment with no opportunity for re-submission.

PHO102 - Photo Restoration Neural Filter cannot be used for the retouch an old photo project.

Throughout the class, we will have discussions on the ethical uses of AI, focusing on when AI is acceptable and when it should be avoided to maintain credibility as an artist, photographer, creator, or student. AI is exciting and new, and it will be explored in many fields and professions. 

If you ever have a question about acceptable AI it is better to ask first than to go against the accepted practices.


Letter Grade System:
A – Mastery of the technical and conceptual concepts. Thought and time invested in the assignment.
Class participation and full attendance.
B – A strong grasp of the technical and conceptual concepts. Exploration of tools and Nuances of Photoshop. Class participation and full attendance.
C – Average understanding the technical and conceptual issues, including participation and attendance.
D – Below average, does not meet minimum requirements,
poor participation, poor attendance, poor attitude.
F – Failure to complete the assignment,
poor participation, poor attendance, poor attitude.

Extra Credit opportunities have a firm deadline - Late submission will not be accepted.

Students are responsible for backing up all Projects and exercises through the last day of the semester.
Do keep all files, prints, papers and quizzes returned to you so that any discrepancies can be easily and fairly straightened out. Except in cases of actual error, final grades are permanent.

A “D” is acceptable as a passing grade if the course is to be used as a general requirement or elective, but will not transfer to another school. An “F” constitutes non completion. This grade requires the course to be retaken
and no credit is issued.
“I” – Incomplete grades are generally not given except for unusual medical hardship. If the student is unable to complete the work, it is assumed that she/he will withdraw.
“W” – An Administrative Withdraw will not be issued by the instructor. If the student wishes to withdraw, she/he is asked to first notify the instructor and then proceed to the admissions office.  Please notify the instructor if at any point you decide to withdraw from the class. It is the students responsibility to know Drop/Add dates each semester and any possible refunds. See the Registrar for withdrawing and any possible refunds.
If you disappear from class and do not withdraw or contact your instructor you will receive an “F”

All work will be submitted and graded in Canvas.
No work submitted outside of Canvas will be accepted.
All Comments will be found with the grade in Canvas.

Late Grade Policy 2022/23

Work submitted on time will be graded with full points possible.
2-7 days late the highest grade possible is a B
8-14 days late the highest grade possible is a C
After 14 days canvas is locked and you will need permission to submit the project for the highest possible grade of a D.
15-21 days late the highest grade possible is a D
22 days or later 0
•The Final Project/Series has a firm deadline- Late submission will not be accepted.

Since this program is a commercial photography program, critiques are handled as if the instructor was an art director or client and the student is the photographer working for that art director or client. Therefore, assignments must meet with the specific instructors guidelines and preferences only. Further, much of the critique process is subjective in nature. Much of being a professional commercial photographer involves being able to take direction. The student is given specific guidelines and is encouraged to follow them closely.

Images and comments from the student are submitted through the appropriate Canvas Portal. My Comments on technique and aesthetics of the image in relation to the assignment will be given. I will give you specific areas to focus on for improvement with your Photoshop skills. Look for those comments in Canvas as well.


Students must attend class and submit the "Creative Identity" assignment during the first week. If you do not participate in the first week, you will be administratively dropped from the course and will need to reapply to rejoin.

Students are expected to attend each meeting of every course for which they have registered. Attendance is essential for normal progress in a college course. Under no circumstances will an absence, for any reason, excuse a student from completing assigned work in a given course.
2 absences will reduce your final semester grade by one letter
3 absences will reduce your final semester grade by two letters.
4 absences will reduce your final semester grade by three letters.
5 or more absences will result in an "F" for the course.

Excused Absences:
Absences will only be excused with valid documentation (e.g., medical note, court documentation) submitted within one week of the absence. Approved excused absences do not count toward the absence limits but should be limited to essential circumstances.

Arriving 1 minutes after the start of class is considered tardy. Two tardies equal
one unexcused absence. Students who miss more than fifteen (15) minutes of a class will be
marked absent. A student who leaves the classroom before the end of class without the instructor’s permission will be
marked absent.


Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for information about procedures and about what constitutes acceptable on-campus behavior.

• Lecture: Techniques, skills and academic principles are explained by the instructor through online videos and written handouts.
• Review and Practice: Students review techniques and skills by practice and questioning of the instructor (email)  Technique and skills are practiced by the student through the assignments given.


Notebook Requirement:
I Highly recommend maintaining a 3-ring notebook in which the student will keep all assignments, notes, handouts. Maintaining a good photo notebook is important so that all materials are organized and easy to retrieve. It is much faster to open to a page of your notebook to find a shortcut or written tutorial than searching links.

Download appropriate materials before working on projects.
How to’s, assignments, etc
web site:

Check-out of Equipment: Classroom and online students can check out equipment.
For any Check-out of equipment, you must present a current CSN student ID. Without ID no equipment will be checked out. If you are not sure about the operation of a new camera ASK, your instructor or a lab tech on proper handling and usage. At the time of checkout you may be tested on the operation of equipment. If you do not pass the test you will not be given equipment.

Equipment and Supplies:

Adobe Student Pricing

All Creative Cloud $19.99 a month - If you are taking Graphic Design and Video classes this is what you want.

Photography Plan with 20GB Adobe Cloud $9.99 a month If you are taking Photography Classes only, This is what you want.


  • Lightroom
  • Lightroom Classic
  • Photoshop
  • Adobe Bridge
  • Adobe Camera Raw
  • 20GB of cloud storage

•REQUIRED: Portable Hard Drive, Back up your work off your main computer - this will give you 2 copies if something happens to one. More storage space can be used for all your other classes. I recommend anytime you work you back up your files to a second hard drive and a cloud.

•Compact Flash card or SD Card for digital cameras - If you are checking out a camera from CSN
•Card reader appropriate to your media - If you are working in a computer lab at CSN

Recommended Papers if you are printing on The Epson Printers at CSN - We will not be making prints in the onlne classes.
•Epson Luster 8.5x11
•Canon Pro Luster 8.5x11
•Arista IIRC Lustre 8.5x11

Lab Policy: See lab policy handout

Safety Procedures:
The safety procedures for the college are posted in the classroom. The procedures will be discussed during the first class meeting on campus. Any injury or accident should be reported to the instructor immediately.



The Canvas Student Quick start Guide be found at:
The entire Student Guide may be found at
Telephone Support for Distance Education students having problems logging into a course, using course web site tools, or other technical problems can be found by contacting the CSN Technology Help Desk locally at 702–651–4357, or via 1-800–630–7563 toll-free, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week


STUDENTS’ RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - When you choose to become a student at CSN, you accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in CSN’s academic and social community. You can find policies covering students such as the Student Conduct, Students’ Right to Know, Students’ Academic Integrity, and Disruptive and Abusive Student in the following locations:
• Catalog and Student Handbook: in the Policies and Procedures section.
• CSN Website: under the heading “Student Policies.”

COURSE WITHDRAWAL POLICY - Instructors are no longer permitted to assign a “W” as a grade. Students must officially withdraw from the class at Admissions and Records to receive a “W”. Students not officially withdrawn through Admissions & Records will receive the grade that they earned.
The last day to Officially Drop without a status of “W” is September 8, 2024 (16-week course). The last day to Officially Drop with a status of “W” is November 1,
2024 (16-week course). Students not officially withdrawn through Admissions & Records will receive the grade
that they earned.

LATE REGISTRATION - CSN students will be able to register for 16-week classes during the first week of the semester. This will
allow students the flexibility to drop, add, or change courses during the first week. Students are responsible for all missed
coursework. There is no late registration for short-term classes as well as summer classes.


• 100% refund if withdrawal is completed prior to the first day of the session
• For further information regarding tuition refunds, please refer to

STUDENT ACADEMIC WARNING/PROBATION/SUSPENSION POLICY - Effective Fall 2013, If students’ cumulative GPA falls to 2.0 or lower after attempting at least 12 credits, they will receive an academic warning, so that they have time to seek help. Continued performance at 2.0 or lower in future semester course work can lead to academic probation or academic suspension. Students on academic suspension will not be able to enroll in classes for a semester. More information is available at

DISRUPTIVE AND ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR - Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner in the classroom, on campus and through electronic media at all times. Disruptive and abusive conduct will not be tolerated. Students who fail to adhere to behavioral standards may be subject to discipline per CSN’s Disruptive and Abusive Student policy. A copy of the complete Student Conduct Code and Disruptive and Abusive Student Policy is available for review at

EXPLICIT CONTENT - Any content of an explicit sexual nature, (including male and female genitalia, etc.), will not be screened in class, may result in a failing grade for the assignment, and could possibly be subject to disciplinary action under CSN's Student Conduct Code Policy. A copy of the Student Conduct Code Policy is available for review at

The instructor will have the final say on any materials or language deemed objectionable. Students are expected to refrain from engaging in activities that the instructor considers disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class. Instructors reserve the right to remove students from the class session if necessary. If you have any concerns about what might be considered objectionable, please consult your instructor in advance for guidance.

CSN is committed to creating a safe and open learning environment for all students. In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, CSN prohibits unlawful sex-based harassment against any participant in its education programs or activities. Sexual-based harassment includes quid pro quo (this for that) harassment, a hostile environment, and criminal sexual violence (including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.) This prohibition applies to CSN students, employees, and visitors. Incidents of sex-based harassment or discrimination should be reported to CSN’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Armen Asherian, at [email protected], or 702-651-7481 or University Police Department at 702-895-3669 to report a crime.

USE OF CELL PHONES AND TEXT MESSAGING - All Cell Phones and Text Messaging shall be restricted to before and after class. All phones should be set on silent/vibrate. The Professor reserves the right to restrict all use of cell phones. Students will be required to leave class should this become a problem. Cell phone use and texting during class are prohibited.

EXITING THE CLASSROOM – REVOLVING DOOR - The classroom is not a revolving door. Continuous exiting and re-entering the classroom is not tolerated. Students who exit and re-enter the classroom excessively will be asked to leave class and schedule a conference with this professor.

There are no recordings of the class allowed without the explicit permission of the instructor.

MINOR CHILDREN POLICY - The primary mission of CSN is to educate students. To that end, CSN has the responsibility to provide a place of instruction that is free from distractions and conducive to learning. The presence of minor children is often a disruptive factor, not just, because a child can be noisy or active, but because even inadvertently, attention is centered on the child rather than on the teaching and learning process. The presence of minor children on campus and in its facilities also raises safety and liability issues. Therefore, appropriate restrictions must be placed on bringing minor children to CSN’s campus, sites, and facilities.

A. First and foremost, CSN and its facilities (classrooms, offices, public areas, common areas and grounds) cannot be viewed at any time as a substitute for childcare arrangements. Second, at no time may minor children be unattended or unsupervised on campus for even a short period of time. Third, only currently enrolled students should be present in classrooms or lab facilities. Fourth, minor children should not be brought into work locations during an employee’s work time.

B. Children under the age of eighteen, unless otherwise exempt as listed below, are not allowed in classrooms, labs, college grounds, or other college facilities except for visits while supervised by an adult. Employees and students must not allow minor children to be left unattended on campus. Minor children may not be left unattended in public areas such as the library or be left to wait or play outside a classroom or in the cafeteria while the adult is in class. Minor children may not attend class or class activities such as field trips, along with enrolled students except on very rare occasions at the discretion of instructors. Minor children may not be present at the employee's work site during the employee’s assigned work hours.

C. This Policy does not preclude short visits when the minor child is accompanied by another responsible adult.

D. Individuals under the age of 18 who enroll in classes at CSN are exempt from this policy.


Statement and Current Disability Resource Center (DRC) Contact Information
CSN is committed to equal opportunity and access in education for all students, including those with disabilities. The CSN Disability Resource Center provides support to students with documented medical, mental health, or learning disabilities and students who need support due to pregnancy.  To register with the DRC, students should complete the new student application in the AIM DRC tile in GoCSN. Students are encouraged to register with the DRC as early as possible in or prior to the start of the academic term. The granting of any accommodation will not be retroactive and cannot jeopardize the academic standards or integrity of the course.  Please Note - Instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from the DRC has been provided. If you have questions, please contact the DRC directly (702-651-5644) or visit for additional information.

COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (CAPS) – The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS offers short-term, problem-focused counseling to CSN students who may feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of college, work, family, and relationships. Clinicians are available to help students cope with stresses and personal issues that may interfere with their ability to perform in school. The service is provided confidentially and free to currently enrolled students. To schedule an appointment, please contact CAPS at West Charleston 702–651–5518, or at North Las Vegas 702–651–4099, or at Henderson
702 –651–3099. Visit for more information.

“Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in the course, is urged to contact Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), for a list of resources and support.

PREGNANT STUDENTS -  CSN prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities. This prohibition on discrimination extends to pregnancy and related conditions—including childbirth, lactation, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, and recovery therefrom—as well as to parental and family status. If you are pregnant or have a pregnancy-related condition, and you are in need of accommodation because of your pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, you must contact Dr. Armen Asherian, Title IX Coordinator, at [email protected]  or 702-651-7481, or the Disability Resource Center at 702-651-5644 for West Charleston, 702-651-3795 for Henderson, and 702-651-4045 for North Las Vegas to explore reasonable accommodation.

Students must follow all active CSN public health directives while enrolled in this class, such as properly worn face coverings when required in classrooms as well as inside campus buildings. CSN public health directives are found at Students who do not comply with these directives will be asked to leave the classroom. Refusal to follow the guidelines may result in further disciplinary action according to the CSN Student Conduct Code, including being dropped from the course.

ADVISING AND COACHING SERVICES - Academic Advisors help students assess academic strengths and limitations, learn academic success strategies, explore careers, declare a major, navigate the educational system, access campus and community resources, and connect to campus life. Contact Information: Charleston Campus: Building D – Student Services Area : 702–651–5670, North Las Vegas Campus: Student Services Area : 702–651–4049, Henderson Campus: Building B – Room 120 : 702–651–3165.

Centers for Academic Success (CAS) provides quality DROP-IN academic assistance to all students enrolled in for-credit courses at CSN. Tutors are available for most general education courses and some historically challenging courses. Academic learning support includes assistance with learning strategies, Canvas, Smarthinking online tutoring, Microsoft Office, reading, writing, oral presentations, math, and science. CAS tutors also provide support to study groups and assistance for placement test preparation. CAS is open Monday through Sunday to be more accessible to all students. Hours for all locations are Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Friday – Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. You may visit for more details about online and in-person services. You may also contact us at one of our offices: Charleston Centers 702–651–5732, North Las Vegas Learning Commons 702–651–4232, Henderson Learning Commons 702–651–3125.

TUTORCHAT is a free, live, online chat service accessible by CSN students at or in the navigation menu of your Canvas courses. TutorChat is designed to answer your quick questions, help you form successful study habits, and show you how to use Canvas and other resources for student success, such as online tutoring and MyCoyoteSuccess workshops, accessed in GoCSN. Quick questions are defined as assistance with topic formulation, proper MLA or APA citation formatting, and development of outlines including thesis statement, introduction clarity, and appropriate conclusion. TutorChat staff can start audio video sessions and give you information on how to connect with a Centers for Academic Success tutor, which is an in-person service FREE to you. For more information, you can chat with us or submit a question. TutorChat is open to all enrolled CSN students.
*If you need assistance outside their normal business hours, please submit a question at TutorChat. They usually respond within 24 hours.

COLLEGE LIBRARY SERVICES - CSN Libraries provides support for students completing assignments that require research and the use of information. Librarians are available to students for one-on-one assistance locating and citing quality information either online or at one of our campus libraries. Find more information on our website

COMPUTER LABS - Most of you will probably do your assignments at home or at work. If you are having problems with your computers or do not have the required software, feel free to use any of the on-campus Computer Labs. Having computer problems at home or office is NOT a valid excuse for missing due dates. Contact the Computer labs for hours of operation.

Charleston Interactive Learning Center - 702-651-5731

NLV Interactive Learning Center - 702-651-4592

Henderson Interactive Learning Center - 702-651-3002

Western High-Tech Center - 702-651-4898

Green Valley High-Tech Center - 702-651-2650

or visit

One stop shop for first-generation college, financial aid-eligible and disabled students offering tutoring, academic advising, career exploration, college-transfer assistance, and development of college success strategies. Contact information: North Las Vegas Campus: Building E Room 109 : 702–651–4441 or

EARLY ALERT REFERRAL PROGRAM (MYCOYOTEPLAN) -A referral program to connect students with college resources when assistance is needed to achieve success. Referrals may be initiated by faculty and staff as well by students through MyCoyotePLAN. After a referral is submitted, students will receive an email notification and will be contacted by the department to which they were referred to offer assistance.

CSN is committed to the inclusion and representation of a diverse campus population. As such, CSN acknowledges that our campus population consists of individuals whose status is undocumented, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, as well as immigrant students. If your immigration status presents obstacles to engaging in specific activities or fulfilling specific course criteria, please reach out to the Immigrant and UndocuAlly Committee at access.

CATALOGUE AND STUDENT HANDBOOK - in the Policies and Procedures section and the CSN Website: under the heading “Student Policies.”

All students enrolled at CSN have a CSN Student Email account. All information from the college will be sent to your CSN-issued student email address (enrollment information, financial aid information, cashier information, college events, etc.). It is extremely important that you check your student email daily. You can access your student email through GoCSN ( Once you validate your student email address you will have access to Microsoft Office 365 for up to five devices and 1Tb of OneDrive storage.

When students activate their CSN email account they get a great benefit!!!

Features available with a CSN Student Email account:

· Fifty gigabytes of student email storage. Room for over 10,000 emails!

· Five licenses of Microsoft Office 365 that students can use online or download to their computer, tablet, and iPhone/Android devices.

· Online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and many other web-based productivity applications to help students in and out of the classroom.

· One terabyte of OneDrive online storage. Enough space for students to store 17,000 hours of music or 500 hours of movies.

· Built-in encryption capabilities can help students protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) like social security and credit card numbers.


All information contained in this syllabus may be subject to change with advance and ample notice to students as deemed appropriate by the instructor.