•Have fun, explore the dialogue box, it is full of options to play with.
-Remember this is a digital file. You have your original saved separately. You can always start over again.
•Create 20 duotones. Place them in a folder. We will be using these files to create a contact sheet in the next part of the assignment.
Do not submit 20 individual files, I will see the files when you create the contact sheet later in the project.
•Title the duotones. duo1, duo2, duo3, fakeduo4 etc…
Traditional Duotone VIDEO - https://youtu.be/JlJwhV9Z0PA
For a traditional Duotone the image must be 8 Bit not 16 Bit
Image - Mode - 8Bit
1) Choose an image -Any image, one from your archive will work. Must be an image you photographed.
2) If RGB,
- In the menu go to: Image – Mode – Grayscale
- NEXT: Image – Mode – Duotone
3) In the Type drop down menu choose: Duotone
choices: mono, duo, tri , quad
- Choose Duotone
4) Choose two inks to use
Ink 1 – black
Ink 2 – choose a color
OR: Try a Duotone Preset
explore and have fun…
5) Make a curve adjustment, if you want (click on the curve icon, this brings up the curve dialog box, play experiment see what it does)
Ink 1 – curve – color – color description
Ink 2 – curve – color – color description
- If all looks good you can save this duotone to use over and over again (click the save button in the duotone options dialog box)
After creating a curve and clicking OK, the curve will be saved. The next time you create a duotone that curve will still be saved. To change the curve or remove the curve, with your cursor click and hold on the point you want to change or remove and drag the point off the curve or to another place.
6) go to menu: File – Save As
Save your file with a new name.
– Remember *Save As* saves a new file.
– Save updates the existing file.
Create a Faux Duotone - VIDEO - https://youtu.be/YQ7q-XhgEoY
-create a hue and saturation layer
-click colorize
-adjust overall image
-Save As the image.
-Go back to the Hue and Saturation Adjustment panel and change the sliders for a new look - Save As, again and Repeat.
- Lightness adds white or black to the color - Give it a try!
Have fun and experiment!!!
Additional Info:
• Can you save your duotone as a .jpg?
NO. You must go back to the Menu – Image – Mode – RGB, then you can save as a .jpg
• Can you save the fake Duotone as a .jpg?
YES. It is already in the RGB color space.
Part 2: Batch Rename files
•The student will learn how to batch rename files for archiving and retrieval purposes using Adobe Bridge
Explore some Adobe Bridge Basics to get Started - VIDEO. https://youtu.be/BtviBcn9Mfw
How to Batch Rename Files within Bridge: Video. https://youtu.be/-652XEXlkKU
When inside the Bridge, navigate to the Duotone Folder on your hard drive with 20 Duotone images you would like to rename.
-Before you batch rename you can move the files around in bridge selecting what you might want next to another image.
1) Select Batch Rename from the Tools menu:
2) You’ll see four sections;
•Destination Folder
Where do you want your new files to go?
•New Filenames
These are your options.
You can add or subtract naming convention by clicking the plus or minus to the right of the New Filenames section.
Do you want to preserve current filename? I usually do not.
Check all 3 for Compatibility
Your old name and your new name. you will also see how many files you will be renaming at the bottom of the dialog box.
3) After making your choices click Rename
PART 3: From the folder or 20 Duotones
Create a Contact Sheet - Video - https://youtu.be/bV0ihJ7nFQ8
•The student will begin to learn the intricacies of the Bridge and or Contact Sheet II automation
Units: Inches
I use 8×10 for height and Width, so when printed on the 8.5×11 inch paper I have white space all around my images. This is more aesthetically pleasing to me.
-Flatten all Layers: depends on what I am doing. If I check it when the automation is complete I have a 1 layer file. If I leave it unchecked I have a layer for each element, If I start with 4 images I have, 4 layers + 4 layers of text. Then I can add custom names that do not match my file names. I do use this at times. You may never need to change your file names here, just pointing out options.
-Place: I choose -across first- This is how most people set this option.
-Check, Use Auto-Spacing
-Columns and Rows will change by what you want to accomplish
if I had 12 images I would set this up to be 3 columns 4 rows
if I had 25 images I would set it up 5 colums and 5 rows.
My goal is to use the whole page making my images as large as I can.
If I had 50 images, and left my thumbnails set for the 25 images, the automation would generate a second page. If I had 100 images I would have 4 pages.
-Leave -Rotate for best fit- off.
Use Filename as Caption, I leave this on, I want people to be able to communicate what file they want to buy. If your filename is cut off because the font is too large, regenerate the contact sheet with a smaller font size.
•Online class: Turn in
1 8x10 PPI 240, Duotone Contact sheet File, .JPG
•Files Batch Renamed
•Include your name and class on the contact sheet -for extra credit. The extra credit is figuring out how to do it.
•Classroom: Turn in
8.5x11 Duotone Contact sheet printed
•Files Batch Renamed, include file names on your contact sheet
•Include your name and class on the contact sheet -for extra credit. The extra credit is figuring out how to do it.