•••Print this page as your weekly semester guide•••
As opportunities arise, I reserve the right to alter the order and to add to or subtract
from this syllabus or weekly semester guide.

Getting Started - Click Here

This course will introduce students to the basic Adobe Photoshop techniques such as layers, layer masks, color correction and retouching, directed specifically to how it applies to photography, will be explored. We will be using digital camera images. This course can be taken in the same semester as PHO101. The student must be familiar with computer navigation, saving files, renaming files and using the internet.

The Class:
1) Work consistently, don’t procrastinate. Things will go wrong. To get the most out of this class you should plan on working in Photoshop every day for the next 8 weeks.
1a) OK this is a jam filled class. don’t wait to get started. Start NOW! NOW! NOW!
2) Have fun, explore, share ideas, have an open mind, be respectful or others, work hard, shoot more. Negativity and sarcasm ruin the class. Constructive opinions are welcome, I am open to opinions that are thought out and expressed appropriately.
3) Because this class is mainly a technical class you will not be getting much aesthetic criticism from me. I will email you if you have a problem with a project and let you know how to improve. If your work fits within the technical parameters you will not hear much from me. But feel FREE to get in touch with me whenever you need to. I check email regularly and will get back to you. Ask questions, let me know what you are thinking. send me links to photographers you like, let me know your successes.
4) Start at the top of the page, week one, and work your way through finals week.  Every week is laid out for you to follow. All assignments that are due are in green. Every week you will find Links to the projects, to my videos, and more to explore. It is your responsibility to keep up and view all information and links on the website.
If you have any troubles or questions, email me sooner rather than later. I can help and want you to succeed. So push yourself to explore and learn, but if you get to something that makes you scratch your head for too long, shoot me an email.

Please email me at: [email protected]

You will need QuickTime installed on your computer to view videos. This is a free download.

You will need Java installed on your computer  (it should already be installed, it is also a free download. You may need to update your version if your files do not upload

Book: optional. I have no readings outlined, but books are a good way to round out the info I have for you.

HANDING IN YOUR WORK and viewing grades:
We will work from Canvas for this.

TITLING INFO: Please name files: LastName_FirstInitial_ProjectName.Extension
Mary Smith retouch should be turned in as:    Smith_M_retouch.psd

Files not names properly named will not be accepted.
I will not know the file belongs to you without your name.
I will not know the project without the project name included.
Makes sense, right?
All files should be 2160 Pixels on the longest side 240ppi, 8bit
(exceptions are the files I provide to you)

I want to see Layers in these files!

•Layered Canvas (saved as .PSD or .TIFF file)
•Retouch (saved as .PSD or .TIFF file)
•Colorize  (saved as .PSD or .TIFF file)
•Duotone Contact Sheet (this can be turned in as a .PDF, .PSD, .Tiff, .JPG)
•Color Correction Part 1, (6 images saved as .PSD or .TIFF files)
•Color Correction Part 2 (6 images saved as .PSD or .TIFF files)
•Color Correction Part 3 (6 images saved as .PSD or .TIFF files, Must have layer masks)
•Color Correction Part 6 (6 images saved as .PSD or .TIFF files -Some of these or all, should have layer masks)
•Sharpening Techniques (5 files -same image sharpened with different techniques.  .PSD or .TIFF files)
•Creative sharpening (5
images saved as .PSD or .TIFF files, Must have layer masks)
•Male Portrait (1 male, saved as .PSD or .TIFF files)
•Liquify Portrait (1 male, saved as .PSD or .TIFF files)

•Final Project (8 Images saved as .PSD or .TIFF files, Check the final Project page for all specs for this project - Start photographing now!)

•••Any Project can be turned in BEFORE the due date•••      

week 1: Mon June 5 – Sun, June 11, 2017

Remember to check the blog (the home tab) for info on what is happening around school and around town. You will also find photographers and tech stuff to get you thinking.


Office Hours

Who Are You: Due: Wednesday June 7th. Send an email to [email protected] (save this email for future use)
Subject line: PHO102B Summer 2017
Include your first and last name. Best phone number to reach you. Best email to reach you. What photography classes you have taken.
Favorite photographer that is not Ansel Adams. Look one up if one does not come to mind. Tell me why you are drawn to the photographers work.

Final Portfolio: Its never to early to start working on your final project. You want to work on this over the summer not the day before it is due. Only images photographed during the semester are to be used for your final project. Start Photographing Now!
We are not photographers if we do not make images.

Introduction to Photoshop

•Watch this video 
Terry White, The Interface, 59:09  -The good info starts around 5:50.
Be sure to take notes as you are watching.

Tools, Panels, creating a canvas.
Today we will explore Photoshop, open a new canvas, look at panels, play with the tools. This will be an overview of where things are. how to pick a tool. color panels, setting up your Photoshop color space for at home.

Watch this movie by me. Remember to click the play button at the bottom of the movie window.
1) About setting up the color space:


Set up your color space on your home computer:
Edit – Color Space  : I recommend  North America Prepress 2 and keeping the Adobe RGB (1998) color space. Your color space depends on your output. here at school we are using Inkjet printers and the Adobe 1998 or ProPhoto RGB would be a  good choice.

Assignment: layered, new canvas

Macintosh Keyboard PC Keyboard
Command Key    =    Control Key
Option Key    =    Alt Key
Delete Key    =    Backspace Key
Return Key    =    Enter Key

2) Create a New Canvas: 02newCanvas
3) Marquee Tools: 03marquee
4) Lasso Tools: 04lasso
5) Gradient Layer: 05Gradient
6) Panels: 06panels

Check this out:
The Tool Panel, all the fly out tools and where the hide. You might want to print this!


week 2: Mon June 12 – Sun, June 18, 2017

Layered Canvas Due Mon June 12, 11:59pm
You upload your assignments through Canvas. 
Let me know if you have any questions. [email protected]

Assignment/how to: Retouch
(you will be retouching on old damaged photograph for this project. Later in the semester we will be working on portrait retouching of faces)

my scanned images for you to use

Watch some movie by me, Remember to click the play button at the bottom of the movie window.
07) Straighten and Crop an image 007straighten_crop
08) Duplicate Layers 008duplicatelayers
09) Turning your RGB image to Grayscale 009B&W ( If you take your image to grayscale you CANNOT get the RGB information back)
010) Healing Brush and Clone Stamp 010healing_clone
011) Spot Healing Brush and Patch Tool 011spot_patch_SpotHealing
012) History Panel 012history_cursors
013) Copy and Paste 013CopyPaste
014) Watch more retouching 014WatchMore
015) 015)OneLast Thing

week 3: Mon June 19 – Sun, June 25, 2017

Retouch Due: Mon June 19, 11:59pm

Assignment/how to: colorize

500 PS CS5 shortcuts

PS CS6 Shortcuts

Watch a Video About: sizing your image, from Photoshop essentials. com

Watch some movie by me, Remember to click the play button at the bottom of the movie window.
016) Colorize Method 1 016method1
017) Colorize Method 2 017method2
018) Colorize Method 3 018Method3
019) Additional colorize info 019Additional_Info

Assignment/how to: Duotone/BatchRename/Contact Sheet

•You will use your own image for this project. Choose an image that is properly exposed and in focus.

Watch some movie by me, Remember to click the play button at the bottom of the movie window.
020) Duotone 019duotone
021) Fake Duotone 020_FakeDuotone

022) Bridge Basics 021_BridgeBasics

023) batch rename 023_batchrename
024) create a contact sheet 024_contactsheet

Start planning, start shooting, the end of the semester will be here before you know it. Discuss your ideas and images with me. I am a valuable resource. All work must be photographed this semester!  -print the spec sheet!

week 4: Mon June 26 – Sun, July 2, 2017

Colorize Due Monday, June 26, 11:59pm
(size your file 2160 pixels on the longest side, 240ppi, 8bit)

Duotone/BatchRename/Contact Sheet Due  Monday, June 26, 11:59pm

Color Calibration and Profiles some info from x-rite  Check out the videos here - You can get a student discount on these. To be a professional you need to work in a calibrated environment - At a minimum your monitor should be calibrated.

Some of you may want to make better prints, watch the videos below.
Make BETTER Inkjet Prints… the EASY WAY!
by CrockettCo Technology

Tutorials from Adobe

Check out this website:


Assignment: Color Correction part 1

Download the images below.
Click on the link below, see the image, using your mouse, click, hold, drag image to desktop, save to HD
download the 6 images to color correct using levels.

My Movies on Color Correction
25) setting whitepoint, blackpoint numbers 18wbpoint
26) Levels Zilla image 19levelszilla
27) Another Levels
28) Sliders adjustment 21sliders
29) Whitepoint with Sliders 22wpsliders
30) Levels with Vibrance Adjustment Layer 23levelsvibrance
31) Levels with Photo Filter Adjustment Layer 24levelsphotofilter
32) 4 ways to remove a color cast 25bluecast
33) Screen and Multiply Blend Mode Adjustment 26lightmulti

My Movies on Color Correction: Adobe Camera Raw
34) Set up ACR (Adobe Camera Raw)
35) White Balance ACR
36) Shadow Slider ACR
37) Clarity Slider ACR

Assignment: Color Correction Part 2

INFO about Adobe Camera RAW

week 5: Mon July 3 – Sun, July 9, 2017

Color Correction Part 1 Due: Monday, July 3, 11:59pm

Color Correction Part 2 Due: Monday, July 3, 11:59pm

Assignment: Color Correction Part 3

Assignment: Color Correction Part 4

Don’t want to change the skintones much with an adjustment layer, change the blend mode to luminosity…

FINAL PORTFOLIO This is the third time you’ve seen this. Do you think it is important. If you have not started shooting for your final, Start Today… DUE WEEK 8***
Sample ideas for portfolios: all of these portfolios were found on the Photo Eye website. Great work, gallery and bookstore in Santa Fe New Mexico.

week 6: Mon July 10 – Sun, July 16, 2017

Color Correction Part 3 due: Monday, July 10, 11:59pm
Color Correction Part 4 due: Monday, July 10, 11:59pm

Assignment/how to: Sharpening

My Movies on sharpening
38) Sharpening Prep/Unsharp Mask
39) LAB Sharpening
40) Luminosty Sharpening
41) Layer Sharpening
42) High Pass Sharpening
43)  Creative/Portion Sharpening

If you are a Canon shooter what lens do you shoot with? is it a pro lens?
If not check out a pro lens from CSN and make a sharpness comparison.
It is worth the money to buy a pro lens?

week 7: Mon July 17 – Sun, July 23, 2017

Sharpening Due: Monday, July 17 11:59pm

Assignment/how to: Female Portrait

Assignment/how to: Male Portrait

Assignment/how to: Liquify

how to: Portrait Retouching Techniques

A great book
Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop (Voices That Matter) by Scott Kelby

My Movies on portrait retouching
44) Intro to Portraits- Base Retouch
45) Clone, Opacity, Blend
46) The Mouth-Teeth
47) Eye and Teeth Whitening
48) Hair Coloring
49) Wrinkle Reduction
50) Selective Sharpening

Portrait Continued:

We will continue working on the portrait assignment. Practice is how you become a photoshop guru… Remember not every technique is appropriate for every image, working on a second image will give you a chance to practice techniques you did not use on the first portrait. If you started with a woman your next portrait should be a man, push yourself. I expect you to produce 2 images exploring photoshop, techniques found online, in books, in magazines, that a friend has shared with you. explore!!! this is a 50 point project! I have great expectations!

more of my my movies on portrait retouching

51) Male Retouch
52) Selective Sharpening
52) Dodge and Burn Vignette
53) Liquify 

week 8: Mon July 24 – Sun, July 30, 2017

Female Portraits Due  Monday July 24, 11:59pm

Male Portraits Due  Monday July 24, 11:59pm

Liquify Portraits Due  Monday July 24, 11:59pm

All Semester Projects (work from week 1-7) must be turned in by Monday July 24, 11:59pm, for any credit

•••Final Portfolio Due July 27, 11:59pm•••


extra fun things to explore

how to: Borders

My Movies on borders and vignetting

52) Simple Stroke
53) Extended Canvas
54) Border and Text
55) Painted Border - Brushes
56) Painted Border 2

how to PDF Presentation

My Movies
62) Create a Start and End Slide for your Presentation
63) Automate the Presentation