Images for you to use
•To gain a greater understanding of layers and layer order.
•To explore the Color Picker and other color choice options within Photoshop
•To explore Layer Masks and their function controlling image parts or sections
•To use and gain a working knowledge of the Marquee tool, the Magic Wand tool and the Lasso tool in making selections.
•How to save and access saved selections within Photoshop by using the drop down menu or the Channels Panel.
What I am Looking For, Turn in:
1) Use each of the three different methods to colorize your one image.
1a) Demonstrate each of the three method a minimum of 3 times on your one colorized image.
1b) Your image will have a minimum of 20 layers.
2) Your background layer should not have any color on it. Duplicate your background layer as you begin.
3) Each color should be on its own layer.
(when finished with the project, delete any layer that does not have color on it).
4) Blend modes and opacity must be explored.
5) Every element in the photograph must be colorized.
6 Use colors that are appropriate to the image.
7 Do not flatten your image.
8) Name your Layers.
9) Save As a .PSD.
10) Image size: 2160 Pixels on the longest side, 240ppi, 8Bit.
TITLEING INFO: please name files:
Last name_First initial_project.extension
example: Smith_M_colorize.psd
Lets Get Started
1) Choose the image you want to colorize. —
2 If using a color image make it grayscale– go to the menu, image – mode – grayscale, you will then be in grayscale mode. Next bring the image back to the RGB mode to add color. The image will stay in grayscale because you discarded the color information.
1b) If starting with a grayscale image, Go to the menu, check image -mode. Look for mode to be RGB. If grayscale, change to RGB. Notice what happens to file size.
(you cannot add color to a gray scale image)
Video RGB to Grayscale and back to RGB -
3) Make a duplicate layer of the image background layer (with the image background layer highlighted in the layers panel, “command J” on the keyboard) there are additional ways to duplicate a layer.
You should have 1 layer for each color. Your project should have 20 or more layers, a very large file.
If you only have 3-6 layers you will get a F for this project.
METHOD #1 Video
4) Make a selection of the area you want to add color.
(use your selection tools, remember you can use more than one tool to complete a selection)
5) OPTIONAL - Feather the selection (Menu – Select – Modify – Feather) - Try this, you may need it for some selections not all.
6) Create a New Layer (6th icon from left on bottom of the layers panel) -This will be a transparent layer
7) With selection dancing, add color with the paint bucket or paintbrush or.
Paint Brush – Mode, Normal, – Opacity 100%, – Flow 100%
Paint Bucket – Mode Normal, – Opacity 100% – Tolerance 255
– This is a good time to explore the Color Picker. Click foreground color and Color Picker opens.
– Check out what happens when you click the Custom Libraries button in the panel.
– Add the color to the Swatch Panel
– With the color of choice in the foreground -go to the swatch panel menu -click new swatch, the color is now saved for you to go back to later
8) After you added color you see no detail in the photograph, change the layer opacity in the Layers Panel
9) Explore the Blend Modes in the Layers Panel
10) If your selection was not great -use the Eraser Tool to remove excess color
– If you erase too much, paint back the color with the Paint Brush
(What color are you painting? Did you click on that swatch you saved earlier? Is the brush set to a soft edge?)
To add color to additional areas repeat steps 4-10
Method 1 – you could create a transparent layer, and use your paint brush to add color, who needs a selection?
It is a good idea to name your layers for this project or any project you work on. When you are trying to clean up your selections you will have an easier time locating the correct layer. Name the Layer by color - object - etc, something that makes sense to you.
METHOD #2 Video
4) Make a new Adjustment Layer. Choose Hue/Saturation (Bottom of the Layers Panel, 4th icon from the left)
Tick the Colorize Box- choose a hue, saturation and a lightness value.
You can see the color in the bottom of the Adjustment Layer Panel
Try this (Sepia: Hue 16, saturation 25, lightness 0)
5) Click command “I” (this inverses the layer mask)
– Make sure you are working on the Layer Mask. Look for the Layer Mask part of the layer to be selected. A dark box will be around the portion of the layer you are working on.
– The Layer Mask goes from white revealing the color, to black hiding the color.
6) Paint with white, using the Paint Brush with a soft edge, where you want the color in the image.
If you add color where you don’t want it, you are on a layer mask, paint with black to hide the color
7) Explore the Blend Modes in the Layers Panel -opacity change?
To add color to additional areas repeat steps 4-7
Layer Mask -White Reveals / Black Conceals
METHOD #3 Video
4) Create a new layer (6th icon from left on bottom of the layers panel)
5) Choose a color from the Color Picker to paint into empty layer
6) Use the Paint Bucket, drop the color over the entire layer
7) Click the Layer Mask icon (3rd icon from left)
8) Click Command “I” (this inverses the layer mask)
– Make sure you are working on the Layer Mask.
– The Layer Mask goes from white revealing the color, to black hiding the color.
9) Paint with white, using the Paint Brush with a soft edge, where you want the color in the image
If you add color where you don’t want it, you are on a layer mask, paint with black to hide the color
10) Explore the Blend Modes in the Layers Panel -opacity change?
To add color to additional areas repeat steps 4-10
Make a more realistic image by using 2 or more like colors Video:
How to reproduce a color and save it in the Swatches Panel. Video:
In this video I take you through the layers of a completed colorize project Video:
Things to EXPLORE
After you make a selection and create a layer mask see what happens when you
Layer Mask
– Hit command, click on the layer mask (dancing ants appear)
– Hit option, click on the layer mask (B&W mask appears)
– You can use these two methods to check how clean your selection/mask is. clean them up…
– Remember you can paint on your Layer Mask
– Black hides the background
– White exposes the background
– Dancing ant selections - when using the selection tools, lasso, etc
– Shift - adds to the selection
– Option - subtracts from the selection
Brush Shortcuts
– Use the bracket keys to upsize or downsize your brushes.
– Clicking “X” on the keyboard toggles the foreground/background back and forth
– Clicking “D” on the keyboard takes you to the default colors of black and white
Turn in 1 colorized image with 20 layers minimum
file 2160Pixels on the longest side, 240ppi .PSD
Blend Modes
USEFUL Shortcuts
• command “Z” undo .
• shift command “Z” to redo undo.
• command “D” deselect a selection.
• press the space bar to bring up the hand tool in any tool you are working with.
• Double click on the Zoom tool will zoom document to 100%.
• Use the bracket keys to upsize and downsize your brush.
• “X” to toddle between your foreground and background color.
• “D” to set your foreground/background to black white defaults.
• dont forget about scrubby sliders.
• when the Move Tool is selected, Opt + Shift + “-” or “+” key allows you to navigate through the blending mode dropdown.
•”F” (Cycle Screen Modes) — Switch between normal screen, full screen with task bar without title bar, and full screen with black background. Works great when used in conjunction with Tab to hide toolbars — maximum working space, no distractions.
•Cap Locks on shows the cross hair tool tip, Cap Locks off shows the brush size tool tip.