Creative Identity & Class Agreement
- Fill out this Form using Adobe Acrobat.
- Fill out the questions fully and thoughtfully
- Save the file as:
- Examples:
- Smith_M_PHO101_CreativeIdentity.pdf
- Smith_M_PHO102_CreativeIdentity.pdf
- Submit the document through Canvas by the deadline.
Full Name (First and Last):
What is your Major?
Best Email:
Best Phone Number:
Your Creative Journey
- What photo/art//workshops have you taken?
It’s ok if this is your first class, we start from the ground up.
- How long have you been photographing?
- Who is your favorite photographer?
Why do you like their work?
- How do you envision this class influencing your approach to photography, and what creative growth are you seeking to achieve?
- What do you hope to achieve by the end of this course?
- Are there any specific topics or techniques you'd like to explore?
- How do you see photography fitting into your long-term goals?
Is it a career path, hobby, side hustle, or something else?
- What motivates you to create or learn?
Think about what drives you — storytelling, curiosity, personal growth, etc.
- If you could photograph anyone, anywhere, who and where would it be?
- Share a fun fact about yourself that has nothing to do with photography.
Acknowledgment & Class Expectations
By completing this Creative Identity & Class Agreement, you confirm that:
- You have read the syllabus fully and explored the daily semester schedule in week one.
- You will:
- Attend class on time.
- Engage actively and participate in discussions and critiques.
- Refrain from using mobile devices during lectures, critiques, and video presentations.
- Respect classmates and offer constructive feedback.
If you have any questions, please contact me at: [email protected]
Signature (type your name): Date: