Creative Identity & Class Agreement


  1. Fill out this Form using Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Fill out the questions fully and thoughtfully
  3. Save the file as:
    • Examples:
      • Smith_M_PHO101_CreativeIdentity.pdf
      • Smith_M_PHO102_CreativeIdentity.pdf
  4. Submit the document through Canvas by the deadline.


Full Name (First and Last):

What is your Major?

Best Email:

Best Phone Number:




Your Creative Journey


  1. What photo/art//workshops have you taken?
    It’s ok if this is your first class, we start from the ground up.

  2. How long have you been photographing?

  3. Who is your favorite photographer?
    Why do you like their work?


  1. How do you envision this class influencing your approach to photography, and what creative growth are you seeking to achieve?

  2. What do you hope to achieve by the end of this course?

  3. Are there any specific topics or techniques you'd like to explore?

  4. How do you see photography fitting into your long-term goals?
    Is it a career path, hobby, side hustle, or something else?

  5. What motivates you to create or learn?
    Think about what drives you — storytelling, curiosity, personal growth, etc.

  6. If you could photograph anyone, anywhere, who and where would it be?

  7. Share a fun fact about yourself that has nothing to do with photography.


Acknowledgment & Class Expectations

By completing this Creative Identity & Class Agreement, you confirm that:

  1. You have read the syllabus fully and explored the daily semester schedule in week one.
  2. You will:
    • Attend class on time.
    • Engage actively and participate in discussions and critiques.
    • Refrain from using mobile devices during lectures, critiques, and video presentations.
    • Respect classmates and offer constructive feedback.

If you have any questions, please contact me at: [email protected]

Signature (type your name):                                                                  Date: